journal publishes general reviews, studies and
clinical, epidemiological, experimental and
laboratory research, clinical case presentations,
papers from the history of medicine, reviews,
scientific and technical state-of-the-art articles,
medical informations and opinions.
papers which have not been published or sent for
publishing in other journals are accepted. The
authors are responsable for the opinions expressed
in the papers.
paper must be edited both in Romanian and in
English; the English version will be supervised by
our collaborator Dana Brehar-Cioflec, MD, PhD; typed
on white A4 paper (fonts - Times New Roman 12,
Romanian characters, line spacing 1.5, upper and
lower margins 2 cm, left border 3 cm, right border 2
cm) and on CD.
Manuscripts will not exceed:
general reviews: 6-8 pages
studies and researches:
5-7 pages
case presentations: 2-4 pages
reviews, scientific and
technical state-of-the-art articles, medical
informations and opinions: 1-2 pages.
paper will be edited according to international
editing rules for manuscripts. The title will be
written in capital characters and it will be
followed by the name and surname of the author
(authors), followed by their place of work (place
where the paper has been elaborated). Studies and
researches will be followed by a brief abstract,
followed by 3-4 key-words.
body of the paper will be structured on the
following chapters: introduction, aim, objectives,
material and method, results and discussions,
references will be presented alphabetically and in
conformity to the Vancouver Convention, including:
for articles: name of
the authors and surname initials, title of the
article in the original language, title of the
journal according to the international abreviation
system, year of issue, volume, number, pages;
for books: name of the
authors and surname initials, volume, publisher
(editors), city of publishing, year of issue.
Citation of references inside the body of the paper
will be put between brackets, Harward style (author,
year) or Vancouver style (number in square brackets
or superscript).
reference titles will be selected, maximum 6 for
studies and case presentations and 12 for general
Acceptance, rejection or the need of alterations in
sent materials, or in inconography, will be
comunicated to the authors in due time. For this,
the authors will indicate the person and address for
corespondence (phone number, e-mail address).
the less pleasant experience of the editorial board
with some articles being rejected because they did
not meet publishing criteria, we decided to support
those who intend to publish in this journal by
detailing the way such a paper should be elaborated,
as well as our requirements.
Except some particular aspects concerning this
journal, the following details are general
requirements asked or imposed by other journals as
Conditions to be met in order to propose a paper for
main author has the responsability to make sure the
article has been approved by all the other authors.
journal will have copyright for papers accepted for
publishing. The editorial board reservs the right to
change the style and dimensions of an article (major
changes will be discussed with the main author) and
to decide the date of issue.
First publication
editorial board will not consider a paper already
reported in a published general review or described
in a paper proposed to or accepted by another
journal. This does not exclude papers which have
been rejected by other journals. Also, papers which
have been presented at a scientific meeting will be
accepted for discussion if they have not been
entirely or partially published in a similar
„Multiple” publishing of the same study is seldom
justified. One of the possible justifications is
publishing in a second language but only if the
following conditions are met:
Editors of both
journals involved are fully informed;
Priority of the
initial publication will be respected by a minimum
publishing interval of two weeks;
For the second
publication, a shortened version will suffice;
The second version
strictly reflects data and interpretations in the
A footnote may state:
„This article is based upon a study initially
published in [title of the journal]”.
Paternity must reflect the common decision of the
coauthors. Each author must have participated enough
to take public responsability for the content.
paper with collective paternity must have a key
person responsable for the article.
order to reproduce materials from other sources,
written agreement from the copyright owner must be
photographer - for unpublished photographs;
hospital where the
photographer (physician) is employed - for unpublished photographs performed during the
employment period;
initial publisher -
for a table, picture or text which have previously
been published elsewhere.
EThICal aspects
not use name of patients, initials or hospital
observation charts numbers. If a photograph of a
body part which could allow direct or deductive
recognition of the patient needs publishing, then
the paper must be accompanied by the written consent
of the patient and clinician, as well.
Presenting the manuscript
the journal „Medicina în evoluţie”, the
manuscript must be typed double spaced, on white A4
paper - 210x297 mm, on one side (2.5 cm upper and
lower borders, 3 cm left and 2 cm right border,
respectively), in clear characters, no further
corrections or addings. It is advisable that
articles are presented on magnetic support - floppy
disk or CD, in Word format, 12 Times New Roman fonts
- using Romanian characters - respecting the same
page order, accompanied by a printed version. Graphs
- black and white or coloured - may be generated in
MS Excel or MS Graph, inserted in the body of the
paper or presented in a different file.
Floppy disks or CDs must be checked with an
up-to-date antivirus programme. Infected materials
will not be used.
6.1. First page (title page)
Together with the title and names of the authors,
the first page must include the affiliation,
professional and university degree (if applicable),
marked by asterisc for every author; it is advisable
to give at least a phone and/or fax number or e-mail
address of the first author who may be contacted by
the editors for additional recommendations or
6.2. Abstarct of the paper
6.2.1 Recommendations for original studies
Original studies must include a structured abstarct
of maximum 150 words, containing the following
titles and informations:
Aim and objectives
Material and methods
Key words: give 3-5
key words
The abstract will be
translated into an international circulation
6.3 Content of the paper
6.3.1 For original articles
text will usually be divided into sections:
- presentation of general aspects, in the context of
the approached theme
Aim and objectives
- Define the aim of the article. Briefly expose the
rationale of the presented study or observation.
Make strictly pertinent referals and do not
exhaustively review the subject. Do not include data
or conclusions from the paper.
Material and methods
- Describe the selection of observations or subjects
for the experiment (including controls). Identify
methods, equipments (with the name and address of
the manufacturer in brackets) and give sufficient
details on procedures. Give references for the
selected methods, including statistical methods;
offer details and brief descriptions for previously
published methods which are not well known; describe
new or substantially modified methods, justify their
use and assess their limitations. Precisely identify
all used drugs and chemicals, including generic
names, dosage and administration ways.
Describe statistical methods with sufficient details
for reported results to be verified. Whenever
possible, quantify discovered aspects and present
them with appropriate measurement indicators for the
uncertainty or error of measurement (such as
confidence intervals).
- Present results in a logical succession as text,
tables and illustrations. Emphasize or briefly
describe only important observations.
- Underline new, important aspects of the study. Do
not repeat in detail data which have been presented
in previous sections. Include implications of
revealed aspects and their limitations, including
implications for future studies. Connect your
observations to other relevant studies. Relate the
results to the aim proposed for the study.
- organize conclusions which emerge from the study.
In the end state: a) contributions to be
acknowledged but which do not justify paternity
right; b) thanks for technical support; c) thanks
for financial or material support.
6.3.2 Indications for case reports
Themes may be selected from all medical fields.
Manuscripts which offer a special gain for daily
activity will have priority.
title must be clearly, precisely stated. It may be
completed by a subtitle.
It is
advisable to include in the key words of the title
the main message, the special element which may be
observed from the case evolution.
content of a case report must be divided into three
- It must include a maximum of 15 typed rows (half
the main medical problem is summarized in order to
place the case in a specific domain.
Case report
- It contains essential specific information on the
order to make a logical, chronological and
didactical case report the following 5 chapters are
Clinical examination data;
Laboratory data;
Additional paraclinical investigations;
Treatment and evolution.
- The reason for the case report must be stated. The
report must be patient-centered. Occasional
deviations from typical (characteristic) evolutions,
nosologically important facts must be presented in
such a manner to expose the clinical picture as
completely as possible.
case report must not appear as an appendix of a
general review.
Dimensions of a case report: maximum 6-8 typed
pages, 30 rows of 60 characters/page.
6.4. Measurement units, symbols,
All measurements must be expressed in
International System (IS) units. Abreviations must
be fully explained when first used.
6.5. Tables.
Tables are noted with Roman figures and they will
have a brief and concise title, concordant with
their content.
6.6. Illustrations.
Number all
illustrations in Arabic figures in a single
succession. Apply a label on the back side of every
illustration, containing its number and an arrow
indicating the upper side. Coloured illustrations
may be accepted but it is the choice of the editors,
according to particular technical abilities of each
journal issue, or it may involve a fee in special
6.7. Explanations for drawings and
must be clear and in readable
dimensions, considering the necessary publishing
6.8. Photographs.
Offer glossy, good
quality photographs. Any annotation, inscription,
etc. must contrast with the ground. Microphotographs
must include a scale marker.
6.9. Illustration legends.
explanations for each used symbol, etc. Identify the
printing method for microphotographs.
6.10. References.
Precision of
references is the responsability of the author.
Number reference titles in the order of first
occurence in the text, or in alphabetical order,
based on the name of the first author. Identify
citations in the text, tables and legends by numbers
between brackets.
Reference citation is mandatory. For printing space
reasons, we recommend that in cases of over 15
reference titles an alternative selected reference
list should be offered.
copies for publishing
order to accelerate publishing, the main author will
send a set of printed sheets presenting the final
version of the paper, as it will appear in the
journal. It is really helpful that texts to be also
sent on electronic support (floppy disk), diacritic
characters mandatory.
rejection of papers
If a
paper does not meet publishing conditions, whatever
these may be, the editors will notify the first
author on this fact, without the obligation of
returning the material.
Original photographs or the whole material will be
returned only if the author comes to the editor and
takes them.
submitted for publishing will be addressed to:
see Contact
Creanga Madalina