Medicine in evolution








- Abstract -

The dental health education is very important for the good of our society, and of course very important is to evaluate cares’ knowledge of oral health; to provide a high quality, consistent, oral health training programme for careers in residential homes; to evaluate the quality of this programme by examining both cares’ changes in knowledge and any changes in cares’ behavior as reported by residents and to assess any changes in the oral health of the elderly residents after one year1. These are usually done by questionnaire where the people of the community are answer. In one study made in England in 2009 they discovered that Carers' baseline knowledge about oral health was poor; the oral health training programme was enjoyed and their knowledge gain after one week was high. However, the elderly residents perceived no change in the oral care given by carers either after one week or after one year and there are no measurable improvement in the oral health of residents after carer training, except for an increase in filled coronal surfaces. Few of the carers originally trained were still working in the same residential homes after one year2.

Key words: dental health, health education, questionnaire, social, surveyes.



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