Aim and objectives.
The aim of this study was to investigate the
prevalence of hypodontia in permanent dentition,
among patients who were treated in our Department of
Pedodontics-Orthodontics of University of Medicine
and Pharmacy in Timisoara.
Material and methods.
In order to analyze the prevalence of hypodontia, we
examined orthodontic files of 1350 patients, which
included orthopantomograms, study models and
anamnestic data. Patients with cleft lip/palate or
having tooth loss due to dental caries, periodontal
disease, traumas, and congenitally missing third
molars were excluded from this study.
Results. The prevalence of hypodontia was 6.47%
excluding third molars.The most frequently missing
teeth were the maxillary lateral incisors, followed
by the mandibular and maxillary second premolars.
Prevalence of hypodontia found in this sample of
orthodontically treated patients was within the wide
range reported in the literature for a normal
Key words: Hypodontia, congenitally missing teeth,